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VAT Management was founded in 2001. Following the Enron scandal - leading to further restrictions on the role of the auditors - it became apparent, that all audit firms, at the time, had to redraw from conducting business in the area of foreign VAT refund, based on no-cure no-pay terms. As a result, the top VAT refund experts from PricewaterhouseCoopers took their activities and clients and formed VAT Management. Hence, PricewaterhouseCoopers has since the beginning been a close business partner to VAT Management and the close relationship is also reflected in the logo of VAT Management. Due to the relationship with PricewaterhouseCoopers, VAT Management have right from the start had some of Scandinavians largest companies as clients and many of these are still being serviced by VAT Management today.​

In 2010 - after 10 years of constant growth - VAT Management handle approximately 10% of all Danish companies VAT refunds, when measured against the total number of applications to the authorities. VAT Management continues to grow and is currently expanding outside of Northern Europe. Today VAT Management also service clients in Germany, United Kingdom, France, Spain and USA. Every year VAT Management process more than 1 million VAT invoices. The office in Copenhagen currently has a staff of 18 people – of which the majority holds a Bachelor or a Master degree in Business and Auditing.

Mantziusvej 2A

2900 Hellerup

CVR-nr.: 26 33 31 80

Tlf: +45 39 10 12 30

Fax: +45 39 10 12 31

E-mail: info@vatmanagement.com